외국인 유학생 민영보험 가입 안내(Information on private insurance for International students) - 게시글 상세보기
외국인 유학생 민영보험 가입 안내(Information on private insurance for International students)
작성자 국제교류본부 등록일 2024/06/27 조회 1887

2021. 3. 1.부터 외국인 유학생의 『국민건강보험』 당연 가입이 시행되었으나 국민건강보험만으로는 큰 사고 발생 시 경제적 손실을 대체할 수가 없어, 별도의 민영보험 가입을 안내드립니다. 

(* 한국인도 국민건강보험 외에 별도의 민영 보험을 가입하고 있음)

국민건강보험에 가입했다 하더라도 반드시 민영 보험에 가입하여 유학 기간 동안 발생할 수 있는 질병 및 상해에 대비하시기 바랍니다. 

  • 아래 링크를 통해 2024. 3. 1 ~ 2025. 3. 1. 민영 보험을 이미 가입한 유학생은 이번에 다시 가입할 필요가 없습니다. (2025년 1월 중 다시 진행 예정) 
  • 다른 민영 보험을 이미 가입한 유학생은 학교 단체 민영보험을 가입할 필요가 없으며 보험 증권을 담당자 이메일(jiayou@cbnu.ac.kr)로 보내주시기 바랍니다. 
  • 민영보험 미가입시 다음학기 수강신청이 제한될 수 있습니다.  


1. 학교 단체 민영 보험 안내

 o 보험사: 유학생 보험(현대해상화재보험)

 o 보험기간: 2024. 9. 1. ~ 2025. 9. 1. (1년) 

 o 보험료: 1년 보험료 80,000원 (매달 납부가 아님)

 o 신청기한: 2024. 7. 31. 


2.  보험 가입 신청 및 보험증서 출력( 인터넷 홈페이지를 이용한 보험가입)

   ① 인터넷 홈페이지 www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk 접속 후  “외국인유학생보험 신청 버튼 클릭 후 신청서를 작성합니다.

      - 정확히 본인의 과정을 선택하여 가입하시기 바랍니다.

  ② 신청서를 작성한 후 “보험료입금안내“에서 우리은행 계좌번호 및 보험료를 확인합니다.

  ③ 계좌번호로 본인의 보험료를 송금하면 보험가입이 완료됩니다.

     - 보험료 입금 시 입금자명을 꼭 학번으로 기재해 주시기 바랍니다.

     - 통장 계좌가 없는 학생은 은행에서 ‘무통장 입금’이 가능합니다. 

     - 보험가입신청 후 보험료를 납부하지 않으면 미가입 처리 됩니다.

  ④ 입금일자 기준으로 1~3일 후 증권번호가 발행되어 보험가입 증명서가 출력 됩니다.


 3. 보험가입증명서 발행:  인터넷 홈페이지 www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk 학번 로그인 후 메뉴  「나의신청내역」에서 “보험증서(증권있음)”의 아이콘을 클릭하여 PDF파일 다운로드.


 4. 보험문의 & 보험금청구 상담 KakaoTalk

 - 한국어&영어 / Kakao ID : MILEE74

 - 한국어&중국어 / Kakao ID : ISACHINA 

 - 한국어&베트남 / Kakao ID : ISAVIETNAM


5. 첨부파일: 외국인 유학생 보험 보장내용


6. 문의: 유학생지원센터 261-3890


From March 1, 2021, foreign students are required to sign up for the National Health Insurance. 

However, National Health Insurance alone cannot replace economic losses in the event of a major accident, so we advise you to sign up for separate private insurance.

(* Koreans also subscribe to separate private insurance in addition to national health insurance)

Even if you have signed up for national health insurance, be sure to sign up for private insurance to prepare for illnesses and injuries that may occur during your study abroad period.


International students who have already signed up for private insurance from March 1, 2024 to March 1, 2025 through the link below do not need to sign up again this time.
International students who have already signed up for other private insurance do not need to sign up for the school group private insurance. 

Please send the insurance policy to the person in charge by email (jiayou@cbnu.ac.kr).
If you do not sign up for private insurance, course registration for the next semester may be restricted.


1. Guidance for international student insurance 

  o Insurance: Foreign Student Insurance 

  o Insurance period: Sep. 1, 2024~ Sep. 1, 2025 (one year) 

  Fee: 80,000won/one year (Not monthly payment)

  o Application Deadline: July 31, 2024


2. How to apply (Using website for sign up)

   ① Enter the website www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk  Click the ”Insurance Application" and fill the form.

     - please choose the course Correctly (undergraduate or exchange student)

   ② Check the woori bank account and premium after fill the form.

   ③ Transfer the insurance premium to woori bank account given by website.

     - When remitting premiums, be sure to include the name of the depositor as your Student ID Number.

     - Students who do not have a bank account can make a  ‘deposit without a bankbook’ at a bank.

     - If you don't transfer the insurance premium then you will not be able to sign up.

  ④ After transfer the insurance premium, You could download your certificate in 1~3days.


 3. How to download certificate:  Login on your student id www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk and click the menu 「My information」 and download PDF file in insurance tap.


 4. Insurance inquiry & Insurance claim consultation KakaoTalk

   - Korean&Engkish / Kakao ID : MILEE74

   - Korean&CHINA / Kakao ID : ISACHINA

   - Korean&VIETNAM / Kakao ID : ISAVIETNAM


5. Attached :  International student insurance Coverage limit & Not Coverage list


6. Inquiry: International Student Support Center 261-3890



(* 除了国民健康保险之外,韩国人还另外购买私人保险)





1. 国人留学生实际损失医疗保险

 o 保险: 外国人留学生保险

 o 保险时间: 2024. 9. 1 〜 2025. 9. 1 (1年)

 o 保险费用: 80,000元/1年 (不是每月付款)

 o 申请截止日期:2024年 7月 31日


2. 加入申请保险 (用网站加入申请保险)

   ① 在网站 www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk  点击下面的  “进入申请外国人留学生保险”后,填一下保险申请书

     - 正确选择“课程”项目,“本科生”或“交换生 ”

   ② 填完后可以确认银行的账号,保险费 等等

   ③ 请确认你的保险费和银行账号,然后汇款就行

     - 汇款时,请务必将存款人的姓名作为您的学号.

     - 没有银行账户的学生可以在银行进行“无存折存款”。

     - 为了确认保险证明书应该要先汇款保险费

   ④ 大概1~3天后在网站可以下载保险证明书.


 3. 保险证明书:  在网站 www.isamaster.co.kr/chungbuk 用你的学号或者外国人登陆证号或者护照号, 密码,登录后点击「我的申请内容」点击蓝色的图标 “保单”(증권있음)就可以下载证明书


 4. 保险查询 & 保险理赔咨询 KakaoTalk

   - 韩语&英语 / Kakao ID : MILEE74

   - 中文 / Kakao ID : ISACHINA

   - 越南语 / Kakao ID : ISAVIETNAM


5. 附件: 外国留学生保险保障内容


6. 咨询: 留学生支援中心 261-3890

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